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Files Section Overview

The Files section in Taffy Tree is your centralized hub for managing and organizing all project-related documents and media. This guide will walk you through the various features and functionalities of the Files page.

1. Search and Filter Options

  • At the top of the Files section, you’ll find several tools to help you locate specific files:
    • User Search: Use this field to search for files uploaded by a specific user. Enter the username or part of it to filter results accordingly.
    • Date Range Selector: Next to the user search field, you have the option to select a date range. This helps you filter files based on when they were uploaded, making it easier to find recent or historical documents.
    • Search Box: On the right side, a search box allows you to enter keywords related to the file names, making it quicker to locate specific files.

2. File Upload

  • Drag & Drop Area: The central area of the page displays a drag-and-drop zone where you can easily upload files. Simply drag your files into this area to begin the upload process.
  • Browse Link: Alternatively, you can click the Browse link to open your file explorer and manually select files to upload.

3. File Thumbnails

  • Below the upload area, you’ll see thumbnails of all files stored in this section. Each thumbnail provides a quick visual reference for the file type and content:
    • File Type Label: Each file is labeled with its format (e.g., PDF, SVG, PNG) for easy identification.
    • File Name: The name of the file is displayed below the thumbnail.
    • Uploader’s Avatar: The avatar of the user who uploaded the file appears alongside the file name, providing context for who added the document.

4. Managing Files

  • Each file thumbnail includes options for managing the file, such as downloading, sharing, or deleting the file. These options are usually accessible by clicking on the file or an associated menu icon.

Suggested Image Placement:

  • Full Files Section Screenshot: Place a full screenshot of the Files page at the top to give users a clear overview of the layout.
  • Search and Filter Tools: Include a zoomed-in image of the search and filter tools to highlight how users can locate files quickly.
  • File Thumbnails: Use a close-up image of the file thumbnails area to demonstrate the various file types and the uploader information.

This guide should help you efficiently manage and organize your files within Taffy Tree. For additional support or more detailed instructions, refer to the related help pages or contact our support team.