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Task Views

Task View Manager Overview

The Task View Manager in Taffy Tree allows you to create and manage customizable task views for both personal and team use. This tool is essential for organizing and monitoring tasks based on different criteria, making it easier to stay on top of your work. Below is a guide to help you understand the functionalities available in this section, incorporating details from the provided images.

1. Section Header

  • The header, Task View Manager, is prominently displayed at the top of the page, along with a brief description: “Create customizable task views for personal and team use.” This section header helps you identify the purpose of the page immediately.

2. Your Task Views

  • Task Views List: Below the section header, you will find a list of all the task views you have created. Each task view is listed with its name and a brief description (e.g., “Custom created task view.”). This list allows you to quickly access and manage your custom views.
  • Search Bar: Located on the right side, the search bar allows you to quickly find specific task views by typing keywords related to their names or descriptions.
  • Task View Actions:
    • Next to each task view in the list, there are two icons:
      • Edit Icon (Pencil): Clicking this icon opens the task view editor where you can update the criteria, layout, and other settings for that specific view.
      • Delete Icon (Trash Can): Clicking this icon will delete the selected task view. This action is typically followed by a confirmation prompt to prevent accidental deletions.

3. Create and Edit Task Views

  • New Task View Button: On the right side of the page, there is a New Task View button in blue. Clicking this button takes you to the setup screen where you can create a new custom task view. This includes selecting filters, grouping tasks, and defining how tasks should be displayed.
  • Task View Editor:
    • When creating or editing a task view, you will see an expanded editor interface that allows you to configure various settings:
      • Task View Name: Enter or edit the name of your task view to make it easily recognizable.
      • Task Filters: You can apply various filters such as Task Owners, Task Leads, Statuses (e.g., To Do, In Progress, Needs Review, Blocked), Checklist Statuses, and Priorities.
      • Date and Sorting Options: Set date ranges and sorting orders, such as by priority or due date.
      • View Settings: Customize the view settings by choosing whether to include focused or personal tasks and whether to stick the view to the sidebar for easy access.
      • Default View: Select the default view type for the task list, such as Card, List, or List Detail.
  • Save and Cancel:
    • Once you have configured the task view, you can either save your settings by clicking the Save button or cancel the operation using the Cancel button at the bottom of the editor.

4. Records Per Page

  • At the bottom right of the task view list, there is a dropdown menu that allows you to select how many records (task views) are displayed per page. This feature is useful for users who have created a large number of task views.

Suggested Image Placement:

  • Task View Manager Overview: Place the first image showing the full Task View Manager page at the top to give users an initial overview of the layout.
  • Task View Editor: Include the second image that shows the expanded Task View Editor interface below the section that discusses how to create and edit task views. This will help users visualize the steps involved in customizing their task views.
  • Save and Cancel Buttons: Emphasize the save and cancel buttons in the context of the task view editor to show users how to finalize or discard their changes.