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Billing and Invoicing

Billing and Invoicing in Account Management 

A. Introduction to Billing and Invoicing

  1. “Billing and Invoicing” is located in the “Taffy Tree Subscription” panel and as the financial control room of your Taffy Tree experience. It is where all your subscription costs, payment methods, and invoices are neatly organized.

B. Access Billing and Invoicing

  1. Log into the Dashboard 
  2. Next click on the “Info Orchard” icon
  3. From the “Info Orchard” screen, click on the “Taffy Tree Subscription” in the gray panel at the top of the page, in the middle.

C. Inside Billing and Invoicing

  1. This is where you can update billing information, download receipts or modify your subscription.
  2. Inside  “Taffy Tree Subscription” you can add and edit the following information:
    1. Current Billing – which refers to the current month of your subscription
      1. Current Payment and Next Auto Payment
      2. Current Users – which refers to the current number of seats in your subscription. This is where you can modify your subscription by adding or editing users by clicking the Edit Users button.
    2. Payment Methods – the credit card on file, where you can add or delete payment methods
    3. Invoice History – where you can see billing history