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Task Grove

The Task Group Templates in Taffy Tree allows you to create and manage reusable templates for commonly performed tasks within your projects. This feature is designed to streamline your workflow by enabling you to quickly deploy pre-defined task groups across different projects. Here’s a guide to help you navigate and utilize this section effectively.

1. Section Header

  • At the top of the page, you’ll find the section header, Task Group Templates, which clearly identifies the area you are working in.

2. Task Group Categories

  • Collapsible Groups: Tasks are organized into groups that can be added to projects via their tags. Each category is collapsible, allowing you to focus on the specific task group you need.
  • Tags: Next to each Task Group name, there may be relevant tags that help to quickly identify the scope or focus of the task group and can be used to add the task group to a project.

3. Task Templates

  • Within each category, individual task templates are displayed as cards. These tasks represent the predefined tasks that can be quickly added to your projects:
    • Template Label: Each task card is marked with a “Template” label, indicating that it is a reusable task template.
    • Task Name: The name of the task is displayed prominently on each card.
    • Template Actions: On the right side of each card, there is a menu icon (three dots) that provides options for editing or managing the task template.

4. Adding New Templates

  • Add New Task Button: Below each task group category, there is a + button. Clicking this button allows you to add a new task template to that category, ensuring you can continuously expand your library of reusable tasks.

Suggested Image Placement:

  • Full Task Group Templates Screenshot: Place a screenshot of the entire Task Group Templates page at the top to provide an overview of the layout.
  • Task Card Close-Up: Include a close-up image of a task card, focusing on the template label and task name to demonstrate how task templates are presented.
  • Add New Task Button: Use a close-up image of the add new task button to highlight how users can create new templates.

This guide will help you efficiently manage and utilize task templates within the Taffy Tree platform. For further guidance or detailed instructions, refer to the related help pages or contact our support team.